Down the Hill

Down the Hill

Down the Hill will challenge your reflexes, so be ready. Navigate your character left and right in a timed race where every tile has an effect on him or her. Avoiding lava and spikes while amassing a treasure chest full of gems is no easy feat.

How To Play

If you follow the guides, you'll soon be ready to chart your own course through the fascinating block realm. While possibilities and dangers are generated at random with each move, you need not worry. To avoid danger from the neighboring traps, you can safely collect the jewels and potions. In order to fully understand the dangers posed by each tile, it is necessary to tread on each one. You can't get out of lava blocks, but if you know the layout of the tile, you should be able to make it through quite fine. In order to advance and earn higher scores, you must avoid colliding with broken blocks at all costs, being run over by cars, and swimming your way out of rivers.


  • Toony protagonists and cosmetic unlocks
  • Gameplay that improves reflexes and strategy while still being easy to pick up and play
  • Offers mobile access
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