Doors and Rooms

Doors and Rooms

Doors and Rooms takes you to explore a world filled with horror secrets. Go through rooms with scary dark corners and many unexpected elements. Be wary of monsters that will chase and catch you if they detect you. Strive to break free from this nightmare without suffering any harm!

How to play

Each room has a characteristic and contains secrets in the dark maze. Your mission is to try to survive and escape from here. Calculate strategies and try to find a way to escape from the scary creatures chasing you. Pay attention to dangerous traps everywhere in order to protect your life. Use your mind and quick thinking; take advantage of useful items to help you survive. Find smart hiding places to temporarily escape from the monsters' sights. Explore hundreds of rooms that make up a dark maze.


Mobile Device:

  • Touch the joystick on the left side of the screen to move.
  • The right side of the screen is the camera rotation.
  • The button on the bottom right corner - Use
  • The button on the top left corner—Pause (menu)


  • WASD-Move
  • Move Mouse-Rotate Camera
  • Use Electronics
  • Exit-Pause (menu)
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